How To Add Smart Banners To Your Website

Adding Smart Banners To Your Website To Promote Downloads

What's The Point?

The most important part of promoting a mobile app is transitioning your users from your website to downloading your app. One of the easiest ways to do this is by adding a graphic to your website's home page, which upon being clicked will take the user to the app store download page.

But what if we want our download link to be smarter?

Enter Smart Banners. By including a couple of lines of HTML code into your website, users can see a graphic like the below that will show your app, along with a direct download link if it is not installed on their phone yet. If it is installed, there will be an opportunity for them to view your app (which will open it when they click the button).

Setting Up Smart Banners

You will need to cater to both iOS and Android users. Both have detailed instructions, which are outlined below:

iOS Setup

  1. Insert the following as a meta tag at the top of your site's home screen:
    1. <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=myAppStoreID”>
  2. Under "myAppStoreID", we'll need to insert the App Store ID of your app. To find your ID:
    1. Log into your Gallus Golf Admin Dashboard.
    2. Click Promote App.

    3. On the ensuing page, find the Apple App Store section. In the link below, you'll notice a string of numbers, which is your App Store ID
      1. For this example, the meta tag used would be <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1446474893”>

    4. Continue adding the meta tag outlined in Step III on every page of your website. Once finished, navigating on Safari or Chrome on an iOS device should display the Smart Banner for your mobile app.

Android Setup

There are no simple and free ways to create a Smart Banner for Android devices, as Google has not created a solution. There are a number of companies that offer services to create Android smart banners, but most cost money. Here are some options:
  1. Branch (Paid)
  2. Kudago (Free)

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