How Leaderboards Work

How Leaderboards Work

This article will outline how the Gallus Golf Leaderboards section works.
PLEASE NOTE: This article is for the Leaderboards section of a Gallus Golf App. If you are looking for the Tournament Software, please navigate to our Tournament Software Basics article.

User Experience

User Tutorial Video

There are multiple types of leaderboards:
  1. Monthly Leaderboard
  2. Custom Leaderboards

Monthly Leaderboards

Every round entered into a course's mobile app is automatically entered into the monthly leaderboard. To join:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click Scorecard/GPS on the home screen of the app.

  3. Enter name, handicap, and email.
  4. Click into a hole.

  5. Click Record Strokes.

  6. Repeat as necessary.

Custom Leaderboards

Custom Leaderboards can be set up as either Auto-Join (everyone that keeps score in the app is automatically added) or require a user to join manually.
To join manually:
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click Scorecard/GPS on the home screen of the app.
  3. Enter name, handicap, and email.
  4. Click Leaderboard at the bottom-left of the screen.

  5. Click the name of the Custom Leaderboard.

  6. Click Join in the top-right of the screen.

  7. Click the check mark next to each user's name you'd like to add, then Save.

  8. Done! Enter scores as usual.

Adding A New Custom Leaderboard

  1. Open your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click Engage Users on the left side of the page --> Leaderboards.

  3. Click Go to Custom Leaderboards.

  4. Click Create Leaderboard.

  5. Enter the following information: 
    1. Course: Which course in your app to run the leaderboard for.
    2. Name: Name of the leaderboard.
    3. Description: Brief description for your app users.
    4. Default Game: Select a scoring style for your users. Choose from the following:
      1. Stroke- Gross
      2. Stroke- Net
      3. Stableford- Gross
      4. Stableford- Net
      5. Par- Gross
      6. Par- Net
      7. Skins- Gross
      8. Skins- Net
    5. Start/End: Beginning and ending date of the leaderboard's availability in the app.
    6. Auto-join: Controls whether every user is automatically entered into the leaderboard or if they must opt-in manually.
    7. Team Event: Controls how many scores must be entered per group (one per player, or a team score).
    8. Repeat: Allows the leaderboard to be repeated for a certain number of days, weeks, or months.
      1. NOTE: This is perfect for leagues!
    9. Click Create.

Editing A Leaderboard

  1. Open your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click Engage Users on the left side of the page --> Leaderboards.

  3. Click Go to Custom Leaderboards.

  4. Select the Leaderboard you'd like to edit.

  5. Complete any of the following:
    1. Edit a Leaderboard by clicking Edit.
    2. Edit a player's scores by clicking the player's name.
    3. Remove a player by clicking the trash can next to their name.

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