How News Items Work

How Featured News Works

What's The Point?

Facilities often need to communicate vital information about upcoming events or changes to procedure. Featured News provides a location for Gallus app admins to craft custom messaging about whatever they deem appropriate, through a Simple Editor that produces polished and engaging content.

This article will detail what News items are and the process for setting them up in the Gallus Admin Dashboard.

User Experience

User Tutorial

What Do News Items Look Like in the App?

News items consist of three main parts:
  1. Photo
  2. Title
  3. Body text

Where Can News Items Be Accessed in the App?

Home Screen Button

  1. User opens app
  2. News item will be one of the options on the page
To add/remove the News Home Screen button, follow the instructions outlined in our How App Navigation Works article.

  1. User opens app
  2. News item is below the app's logo and above the normal Home Screen buttons
Control which item is featured by going HERE and selecting the circle next to the item you'd like to be featured in your app.

Side Menu

  1. User opens app
  2. On Home Screen, click the three lines at the top-left of the screen
  3. On the menu that appears on the left side of the screen, click News
This button cannot be removed from the Side Menu, as it is hard-coded in.

Push Notification

To send a Push Notification that is linked to a News item, follow the instructions outlined in our How Push Notifications Work article, specifically in the Action section.
  1. User receives Push Notification
  2. User taps on the Push Notification and is immediately taken to the specific News item

Setting Up News Items in the Admin Dashboard

Tutorial Video

Adding a News Item

  1. Navigate to the Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App.  In the menu that appears below, click News.

  3. On the ensuing page, click Create in the top-right.

  4. To create your News item, enter the following information:

    1. Choose an Image. Either:
      1. Pick a stock photo from the selection provided
      2. Upload your own by clicking Upload Image at the bottom of the photo section
        1. Image dimensions are 16:9 ratio or 1500 x 844 pixels. Acceptable formats include jpg and png.
    2. Add a Title.
    3. Enter the Body text of the News item.
      1. Note that there are a variety of options for formatting text at the top-right of the box (bold, italic, etc.). For more information, please view our How The Simple Editor Works article.
    4. Set a Date Range.
      1. The Active On date will be the day the News item appears in your app. The Expires On date controls when the News item disappears from your app. (If you'd like it to remain in your app indefinitely, leave this field as Never.)
    5. If you would like this News item to appear as a bar at the top of the Home Screen, click the checkbox next to Feature.
    6. Click Save.
  5. DONE!

Editing a News Item

  1. Navigate to the Gallus Admin Dashboard
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App.  In the menu that appears below, click News.
  3. On the ensuing page, select the News item you'd like to edit by clicking its title.

  4. Make any necessary edits, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

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