To place an order from a menu, users need items to choose from! Read on to discover all of the options available within a Gallus onTap menu, along with how to set them up.
Click Customize App -->Gallus onTap on the left side of the page.
A new window opens. Use your onTap credentials (provided by your Gallus Golf account manager- email us if you need them) to sign in.
On the left side of the screen, click Menu.
On the menu that appears, click Items.
On the ensuing page, click + in the top-right corner.
The next page will allow you to enter various settings for the item:
Product Name: The title of the item.
Is Alcohol: Marking this toggle will present a qualifier questions to users asking if they are 21 or older before allowing them to order.
Disable Qty Update: Marking this box will remove any quantity updates. (If you will not be using the system to keep track of stock, make sure this is checked.)
Description: Any details on the item and included sides, etc.
Image: If you'd like an image of the item to appear, you can upload it here.
Upload should be either a jpeg or png file that is less than 1 MB.
Status: Choose from Enabled (available for order) or Disabled (unavailable for order).
Subtract Stock: Only mark Yes if you would like to use the system to keep track of available stock.
Price: Enter a price in USD in the format 10.75.
Tax Class: Choose from Taxable Goods and Downloadable Products.
Quantity: If you are using the system to keep track of stock, enter in the quantity you currently have on hand. If not, enter any number in this field.
Calories: The number of calories for the item.
Products Min Quantity Alert: Only applicable if you are using the system to keep track of stock and did not mark the box in step III of this section.
Categories: Enter in any applicable Categories the item will be available for.
You must create a category before adding an item to it.
Preparation Time: The minimum amount of time to fulfill an order containing this item.
If a longer amount of time is selected on the iOS application for receiving orders, that time will automatically override this field.
Sort Order: Controls the placement of the item in the overall category hierarchy.
Assigned to locations: Add any POS locations you'd like this item to be available for.
Before You Begin Make sure you have an adequate understanding of onTap by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article. What's The Point? As users place orders within a menu, it is important to provide them with the ability to customize their item. ...
Before You Begin Make sure you have an adequate understanding of Gallus onTap by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article. A Word On Hours When settings hours for an onTap menu, there are two separate topics to be covered: Menu Hours- Control when ...
This article will outline the basics of Gallus Golf's onTap food & beverage software and link to sub-articles that explain concepts in greater detail. Overview Video Before You Begin Make sure to have an appropriate understanding of your food & ...
Before You Begin Make sure to read our How Gallus onTap Works article to gain an adequate understanding of the basics. What's The Point? Receiving orders is an integral part of the Gallus onTap ordering process. It's vital to find a method that works ...
Before You Begin Make sure to have an adequate understanding of how a Gallus onTap menu works by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article. What's The Point? Menus are best broken down into sub-categories to allow users to quickly find what they'd ...