Exporting Transactions From The Offer Locker

Exporting Transactions From The Offer Locker

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of Offer Locker by reading our How Offer Locker Works article.

What's The Point?

As the Offer Locker is being utilized, many facilities want to get a full picture of the transactions that occurred. While Offer Locker's dashboard provides reporting on individual offers, it can be useful to export all transactions to a spreadsheet for easy sorting/categorizing.
This article will outline the process to export transactions from the Offer Locker for a specific date range.

Steps To Complete

  1. Log into the Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Offer Locker module.

  3. On the ensuing page, click Export in the top-right.

  4. Select the date range you'd like to see transactions for.

  5. Click Export.

  6. A file downloads to your computer. Click on it to access all of the data!

Data Provided

The Offer Locker transaction export provides all of the following pieces of information:
  1. Transaction Date/Time
    1. The moment each transaction happened.
  2. Offer Title
    1. The offer the transaction is associated with.
  3. User Email
    1. The email of the user account the transaction is associated with.
  4. Transaction Type
    1. The type of transaction that occurred. The following are listed:
      1. Sent
      2. Viewed
      3. Redeemed
      4. Added Use(s)
      5. Deactivated
  5. Uses Added/Redeemed
    1. If the transaction was Added Use(s) or Redeemed, this number represents how many.

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