Adding Categories To onTap Menus

Adding Categories To onTap Menus

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of how a Gallus onTap menu works by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article.

What's The Point?

Menus are best broken down into sub-categories to allow users to quickly find what they'd like to order. Read on to discover all of the settings available for Categories in a Gallus onTap menu along with how to set them up.

Tutorial Video

Steps To Complete

The first step on the journey of creating your Gallus onTap menu is creating categories for each section of your menu. Some examples:
  1. Breakfast
  2. Lunch
  3. Appetizers
  4. Etc.
To add a menu category, complete the following steps:
  1. Log into your Gallus Golf Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click Customize App --> Gallus onTap on the left side of the page.

  3. A new window opens. Use your onTap credentials (provided by your Gallus Golf account manager- email us if you need them) to sign in.
  4. On the left side of the screen, click Menu.

  5. On the menu that appears, click Category.

  6. On the ensuing page, click the + in the top-right of the screen.

  7. The next page will allow you to enter various settings for the category:
    1. Name: What the category will be called in your menu.
    2. Is Alcohol: Marking this toggle will present a qualifier questions to users asking if they are 21 or older before allowing them to order.
    3. Description: A brief run-through of the category, including days/hours of availability, location that it's available, etc.
    4. SEO Keyword: If you would like your menu to be searchable in Google and other search engines, enter keywords here.
    5. Top: Marking this toggle will make the category appear in the top menu bar of the menu.
    6. Sort Order: Controls the placement of the category in the overall menu hierarchy.
    7. Assigned to locations: Add any POS locations you'd like this category to be available for.
      1. For example, a Quick Bites category that is only available from the halfway house and not in the dining room.
    8. Assign Printer: Select the printer that will receive any orders from the category.

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