How Interest Groups Work

How Interest Groups Work

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of the Push Notifications functionality HERE. Once users select which Interests they'd like to be notified on, you will be able to send push notifications to specific Interest Groups without needing to identify each individual.

Interest Groups From A User Perspective

What's The Point?

Interest Groups help users to control the amount of push notifications they receive from your club. When properly edited and utilized by you (the app's manager), users will only receive information pertaining to subjects they'd like to hear about.

How To Find The Interest Section in the User Profile Of The App

  1. Open the app on a smartphone.
  2. Click the silhouette at the top-right of the Home Screen.

  3. On the next page, click the gear icon at the top-right of the screen.

  4. On the next page, click Settings.

Interest Groups From An Admin Perspective

Using Interest Groups When Sending Push Notifications

When following the steps outlined in our How Push Notifications Work article, click Targeted in the action column. This will give you access to any Interest Groups you've created, along with Customer ID Fields.

How To Add Interest Groups

  1. In the Gallus Admin Dashboard, click Engage Users (left side of page) --> Push Notifications.
  2. Click Interests.
  3. Click Add Interest Option, enter the phrase you'd like included in your app's User Profile section, and click Add.
  4. Continue adding interests as necessary.
Here are some ideas for Interest Groups:
  1. Course Conditions Updates
  2. Men's League
  3. Women's League
  4. Upcoming Events
  5. Junior Golf
  6. Membership
  7. Dining

How To Edit Interest Groups 

Changing Order

  1. In the Gallus Admin Dashboard, click Engage Users (left side of page) --> Push Notifications.
  2. Click Interests.
  3. Click/Hold on the yellow arrows to the left of the Interest you'd like to move.
  4. Drag/drop to the appropriate location.

Removing Interest Options

  1. In the Gallus Admin Dashboard, click Engage Users (left side of page) --> Push Notifications.
  2. Click Interests.
  3. Click the trash can icon to the right of the Interest you'd like to remove, then confirm.

Looking To Add An Either/Or Question?

Click HERE to view our article on Custom ID Fields.

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