How League Leaderboards Work

How League Leaderboards Work

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of Leagues by viewing our League Software Basics article.

What's The Point?

Leagues are all about competition. As users keep score in a facility's app, they expect to see a breakdown of everyone's score for both the day and the season. It's important, therefore, to make sure all of the Leaderboards have been properly configured through the League dashboard.

This article will outline the steps to set up and edit Leaderboards to ensure scores are properly being calculated.

How Should Weekly & Season Long Leaderboards Be Used?

Weekly Leaderboards are meant to be a snapshot of one week of the League. Users can view all weeks of the League by clicking at the top of the Leaderboard and can view each player/team's gross scorecard by clicking on their name.

Season Long Leaderboards are meant to be an overview of each player's performance over the course of the League. There can be a cup-style weekly point attribution (please view our Creating A New League article for details) and each player/team name can be clicked for a full breakdown of their score in each round. Furthermore, each round can be clicked on to view their gross scorecard.

Tutorial Video

Getting To The Leaderboards Editor

  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. On the Quick Start Page, click Events.

  3. Click Leagues in the top-right of the page.

  4. Select the League you'd like to upload a spreadsheet for.

  5. On the League checklist page, click Leaderboards.

Adding Weekly Leaderboards

  1. On the Leaderboards page, select the round you'd like to add a Leaderboard for via the dropdown in the top-left of the Manage pane.

  2. Click Add Leaderboard towards the top of the page.

  3. Select a scoring style and click Add.

  4. DONE!

This is the most efficient way to add a Skins scoring format to any League.

Removing Weekly Leaderboards

  1. On the Leaderboards page, select the round you'd like to add a Leaderboard for via the dropdown in the top-left of the Manage pane.

  2. Click the trash can icon to the right of the leaderboard you'd like to delete.

  3. Click OK.

  4. DONE!

Editing Season Long Leaderboard Point Values

  1. Click the Edit pencil next to Season Long Leaderboard.

  2. On the ensuing page, edit the point values beneath Use points with Season Long Leaderboard or toggle the checkbox on/off to enable/disable the weekly points.
      1. Disabling the points will still keep the Season-Long Leaderboard intact for users to view everyone's round history but will disable the points column within the Leaderboard itself.
  3. Click Update to save your work.

How Season Leaderboard Points Work

The editable point values (described in the previous section) award an amount of points per player based on their placement on the weekly leaderboard each round. Using the below points as an example, a player that places 7th would receive 90 points toward their season total while a player that wins receives 500 points toward their season total:
  1. 1st - 500
  2. 2nd - 300
  3. 3rd - 190
  4. 4th - 135
  5. 5th - 110
  6. 6th - 100
  7. 7th - 90
  8. 8th - 85
  9. 9th - 80
  10. 10th & higher - 75
But what if a tie for one of the top spots occurs? Say, for instance, two players are tied for 2nd place, leaving a void at third and the next player as 4th. The season leaderboards will add up the second and third place point values, divide them by two, and give the equal amounts to both players ((300+190) / 2 = 245). Fourth place would remain unchanged.

This logic is identical for three-way ties and above. Add up all the ranking point values, divide by the number of players, and award equally.

Viewing Leaderboards

Both of these Leaderboard options will automatically scroll and (if necessary) rotate through the rounds. Send them to your League to monitor progress or Copy the URL to display it on a screen!
Leaderboard not scrolling automatically? Try setting the zoom of your tab to 100% and reloading the page.

Season Long Leaderboard

  1. Click View in the top-left of the Leaderboards page beneath Season Long Leaderboard to open a new tab with the season-long Leaderboard.

  2. The ensuing screen will display your season leaderboard.

      1. Need to add points to this screen? Please view the Editing Season Leaderboard Points section above.
  3. Click the name of a player or team to view their detail screen.

  4. The player detail screen displays the weekly breakdown of a player's scores and points (if points are enabled) along with totals at the bottom of the screen.

      1. The DNP designation stands for Did Not Participate. This designation is removed once scores are inputted for the player.
      2. Need to add points to this screen? Please view the Editing Season Leaderboard Points section above.
  5. To view their scorecard for a specific week, click on the date.

Weekly Leaderboard

  1. Click View in the top-left of the Leaderboards page beneath Weekly Leaderboard to open a new tab with the current Weekly Leaderboard.

  2. On the ensuing page, click the date at the top to select a specific week.

Showing A Leaderboard On A TV

Here are some methods courses using our software have had success with, utilizing the Leaderboard link outlined above:
  1. Use a Google Chromecast
  2. Internet-enabled tv
  3. TV/Projector connected to a computer via VGA or HDMI
Leaderboard not scrolling automatically? Try setting the zoom of your tab to 100% and reloading the page.

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