Creating A New League

Creating A New League

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of Leagues by viewing our League Software Basics article.

What's The Point?

Before a successful League can run through a Gallus Golf custom-branded mobile app, the initial framework must be set up. This includes details like the scoring format, dates of rounds, default tee boxes, logos, and even the season-long point values. It's vital that this information is set up properly before the rest of the League can be configured.

This article will detail the steps to create a League along with the specific options available in each section of the New Event page.

Tutorial Video

Steps To Complete

Step 1: Getting To The Create Page

  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click Events.

  3. On the ensuing page, click Create Event in the top-right.

  4. On the New Event page, enter the name of the League and click League next to Event Type.

You're now ready to start setting up your League! Please proceed to the next section.

Step 2: Scoring Formats

Next, you'll set up your default scoring format(s) for the League. Follow the below steps to do so:
  1. Select your Field.
    1. Teams
    2. Individuals
    3. Teams and Individuals
  2. Select your Format. The options available in this selection depend on the choice made in Field, as indicated below:
    1. Teams

        1. Scramble
        2. 1 Best Ball
        3. 2 Best Ball
        4. 3 Best Ball
        5. Alternate Shot
    2. Individuals
        1. Stroke
        2. Stableford
          1. Point values for Stableford scoring can be modified on this screen.
    3. Teams and Individuals

        1. Teams
          1. 1 Best Ball
          2. 2 Best Ball
          3. 3 Best Ball
        2. Individuals
          1. Stroke
          2. Stableford
          3. Point values for Stableford scoring can be modified on this screen.
  3. Select your Scoring for Handicap. Choices for all scoring formats are as follows:

      1. Gross
      2. Net
        1. Handicap Allowance allows you to cut all inputted course handicaps by a set percentage in order to level the playing field. For more information on this feature, please view our How Percentage Of Handicap (Handicap Allowance) Works article.
      3. Gross & Net
        1. Handicap Allowance allows you to cut all inputted course handicaps by a set percentage in order to level the playing field. For more information on this feature, please view our How Percentage Of Handicap (Handicap Allowance) Works article.
To edit the scoring format on a per-round basis, visit the Rounds section after the League has initially been created. For more info on Rounds, please view our How League Rounds Work article.

Step 3: Season Long Leaderboard Points

For Leagues that reward players for consistently high play, we've added the ability to track Season Long Leaderboard points. This follows a format similar to the tour's season-long Cup, which awards a set amount of points to each placement on the weekly leaderboard that's added to the player/team's Season Long Point total on the Season's Leaderboard.

To set these up, click the checkbox next to Use Points with Season Long Leaderboard.

Not interested in keeping Season Long Points? Just leave this box unchecked and we'll leave it out of the League's Season Leaderboard.
For more information on League Leaderboards, please view our How League Leaderboards Work article.

Step 4: Rounds

There are two options to create Rounds:

Option 1: Add Weekly

This option automatically generates all of the rounds based off the Start and End Dates. The value is they're all created at once, while the trade-off is all rounds will have the same information for Start Time, Course, and Tee unless you edit them later on.
  1. Start Date
    1. The first day a League round should occur.
  2. End Date
    1. The last day a League round should be allowed to occur.
  3. Start Time
    1. The default start time for all rounds of the League.
      1. To edit start time on a per-round basis, either select Add Single in this section or visit the Rounds section after the League has initially been created. For more info on Rounds, please view our How League Rounds Work article.
  4. Course
    1. The default course for all rounds of the League.
      1. To edit course on a per-round basis, either select Add Single in this section or visit the Rounds section after the League has initially been created. For more info on Rounds, please view our How League Rounds Work article.
  5. Tee
    1. The default tee box for all rounds of the League.
      1. To edit default tee box on a per-round basis, either select Add Single in this section or visit the Rounds section after the League has initially been created. For more info on Rounds, please view our How League Rounds Work article.
  6. Start Type
    1. Shotgun
    2. Tee Time

Option 2: Add Single

This option allows you to control the details each individual round by creating them one at a time.
  1. Date
    1. The date of the round.
  2. Start Time
    1. The start time of the round.
  3. Course
    1. The course the round will be played on.
  4. Tee
    1. The default tee box assigned to each player/team
  5. Format
    1. The scoring format(s) for the round.
      1. The options in this field are controlled by the selection made in the Field section, which is outlined above in Step 2: Scoring Formats.
  6. Start Type
    1. Shotgun
    2. Tee Time

Step 5: Final Details

  1. Display Name Format
    1. Select a default style for names to be displayed:
      1. First Name, Last Initial (Eldrick W.)
      2. First Initial, Last Name (E. Woods)
      3. First Name Last Name (Eldrick Woods)
      4. Last Name, First Name (Woods, Eldrick)
      5. Full Name (Eldrick Tiger Woods)
  2. Logo
    1. This is displayed on all Leaderboards and many Print Materials.
      1. Requires either a jpeg or png file.
      2. Don't have one? No worries! We'll default this image to your app's logo if no 
  3. Sponsor Logo
  4. Rules

LAST STEP: Save Your Work

Don't forget to click Continue to save the details of your League.
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