How League Print Materials Work

How League Print Materials Work

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of the Gallus Leagues Software by viewing our League Software Basics article.

What's The Point?

League coordinators need to have a number of documents on hand to properly run their League. The Gallus Leagues Software provides a number of detailed exports with options based on the needs of the coordinator. This article will outline all of the choices available in a League along with providing steps to navigate to each.

Navigating To The Print Materials Section

  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. On the Quick Start Page, click Events.

  3. Click Leagues in the top-right of the page.

  4. Select the League you'd like to upload a spreadsheet for.

  5. On the League checklist page, click Materials.

  6. You're there! Please proceed by selecting your material(s).

Print Materials Choices

Player Handout

A brief summary of how to keep score in the app and any rules designated in the Rules section of the Create New League page.

Overall Results

A basic sheet with each group's results, with the option to export as:
  1. PDF
  2. Excel Spreadsheet
Each leaderboard created in the Leaderboards section will show up either as a separate page (PDF) or tab (spreadsheet).

Cart Signs

All but one option (Large Full-Page Display) prints on half sheets. Here are the options:

Standard Display

    Includes all elements of tournament: Course Name, League Name, Tournament Logo, Sponsor Logo, Starting Hole or Tee Time, Player Names, Team Names.

Team Name Standard Display

For use when you want a standard cart sign template without player names displayed. [Only available for team scoring events.]

Large Full-Page Display

An 8.5 x 11" large display of the standard cart sign.

Large Sponsor Logo Display

For use when you want the Sponsor Logo to be more prominent. Also includes Course Name, League Name, Starting Hole, Player Names, and Team Names.

Large Sponsor Logo WITHOUT Players Display

For use when you want the Sponsor Logo to be more prominent but will not know players/groupings until they arrive. This template WILL NOT display player names on carts. Also includes Course Name, League Name, Starting Hole, Player Names, and Team Names.

No Logos Display

For use when you do not want to display logos and want large Player Names and Starting Hole/Start Time info displayed. Course Name and League Name are also displayed.

No Logos and No Players Display

For use when you do not want to display logos and will not know players/groupings until they arrive. Starting Hole/Start Time, Course Name, and League Name Displayed.

Group Sheets

A basic list of each group (including player names), along with starting hole.

Check-In Sheets

Intended to be used for checking in participants when they arrive. Here are your options:
  1. Simple- Alphabetical list (by last name) of all participants with start hole and tee time.

  2. Single page- All the features above, but organized so up to 160 participants on a single, one-sided sheet of paper.
  3. Detailed- All the features outlined above, along with player handicap and (if necessary) team handicap.

Bag Tags

Tags formatted to print on Avery 5160 label sheets.

Results By Round

Available in either pdf or spreadsheet form.


Scorecards displaying the yardage of the default tee configured on the Create League page, along with the option to add dots for each team/player's handicap and app scoring instructions. (Printed on landscape 8.5x11 half-sheets.)

Getting an error when trying to generate this file? Check that no team has more than 5 players. (6 or more will result in an error.)

Hole Contests

Basic stake sheets with the League and sponsor logos and whatever hole competition title you designate.

Scoring Results

Full League results in an easily accessible landscape format (available in pdf or spreadsheet).

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