Orders from a Gallus onTap menu need to be received in a timely and efficient manner so they can be prepared by staff before the customer arrives. It varies by facility, but some may find a physical receipt printing out is the best method to notify staff of an incoming order for preparation.
Turn on the printer and then turn on Bluetooth for the iPad from the iPad settings.
Make sure to complete this in the iPad's settings instead of the Order Guru Pro app settings.
Open theOrder Guru Pro app on the iPad and click the menu to find printer settings.
Choose Bluetooth connection and tap connect.
Tap the MAC address of the printer and it should connect.
DONE! Place a test order to confirm the printer is now working.
Setting Up A Wired or Wi-Fi Network Printer
Steps To Complete
Connect the printer to power and ethernet.
Run a self-test on the printer:
While the printer is off, hold the power button and feed button until the power turns on and then release the power button while still pressing the feed button until it prints the self-test print.
On your desktop computer, open a browser and enter the IP address found on the label of the receipt printer in the URL bar. Hit enter. This will bring you to the printer utility.
Log in on the left side of the page using the default username and password: root / public
This is also listed on the landing page of the printer.
Navigate to CloudPRNT (left side of the page) and add the below fields before clicking Submit:
In a typical Gallus Golf mobile app, a food & beverage menu is viewable via any of three different options. They are as follows: Gallus onTap View-Only Menu PDF Viewer This article will give a brief outline of each and link to subarticles that ...
This article will outline the basics of Gallus Golf's onTap food & beverage software and link to sub-articles that explain concepts in greater detail. Overview Video Before You Begin Make sure to have an appropriate understanding of your food & ...
Before You Begin Make sure to read our How Gallus onTap Works article to gain an adequate understanding of the basics. What's The Point? Receiving orders is an integral part of the Gallus onTap ordering process. It's vital to find a method that works ...
Before You Begin Make sure to have an adequate understanding of how a Gallus onTap menu works by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article. What's The Point? Menus are best broken down into sub-categories to allow users to quickly find what they'd ...
This article will outline the process of adding a view-only menu to your Gallus Golf mobile app. Before You Begin Make sure to have a basic understanding of the three options for a food & beverage menu by reading our How Food & Beverage Works ...