How The Metrics Dashboard Works

How App Analytics Work

What's The Point?

Each Gallus custom-branded mobile app has it's own unique subset of users. Since what works in one app may not work in another, tt's vital to take time to monitor performance and gain insights from it.

For this purpose, Gallus created the Metrics Dashboard to outline as many metrics as possible, which enables app admins to make informed decisions.

Tutorial Videos

Individual-Club App Analytics

Admin Group App Analytics

Accessing The Metrics Dashboard

  1. Log into the Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. On the Quick Start page, click App Analytics.

  3. DONE! Click into any of the cards for more detail.

Metric Definitions

App Downloads

Active %

Active Downloads divided by Total Downloads.
This number is meant to provide perspective on how many of the users that have ever downloaded the app still have it on their phone. (Also known as Retention.)

% Growth Diff

(Current period Growth minus previous period Growth) divided by current period Growth.
This number reflects whether growth is trending up or down in comparison to last period.

Active Downloads

The total number of devices that currently have the app installed.
This number reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.


The total number of unique Android devices that have ever had the app installed.
This number is a subset of Total Downloads and reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.


The amount of Active Download increases within the selected date range.


The total number of unique iOS devices that have ever had the app installed.
This number is a subset of Total Downloads and reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.

Total Downloads

The total number of unique devices an app has ever been installed on.
This number is a combination of Active Downloads and Uninstalls and reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.


The total number of devices that have uninstalled an app.
This number reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.

Push Notifications

For more information on Push Notifications, please visit our How Push Notifications Work article.

% Active Opt-In

Total Opt-Ins divided by Active Downloads
This number is meant to give an idea of what percentage of users with the app currently on their device are opted into Push Notifications. Industry-wide, the average for this number is 50%.

% Opt-In Diff

(Current period Total Opt-In's minus previous period Total Opt-In's) divided by current period Total Opt-In's.

App Opens

The total number of Push Notifications that were tapped to open the Action link in the selected date range.

Pushes Sent To

The total number of times a Push Notification was received by a device.

Total Opt-Ins

The total number of devices that are opted into receiving Push Notifications.
This number reflects the value on the End Date in the selected date range.

Unique Pushes

The number of unique Push Notifications sent from an app during the current period (regardless of how many received it.
How many times did an app admin send a Push Notification from the app during the current period?

Loyalty Programs

For more information on Loyalty Programs, please visit our How Loyalty Programs Work article.

Active Point Programs

The total number of Point-Based Loyalty Programs active in an app anytime during the selected date range.

Active Point Users

The number of users that either earned or redeemed points during the selected date range.

Active Punch Programs

The total number of Punch Card Loyalty Programs active in an app anytime during the selected date range.

Active Punch Users

The number of users that either earned punches or redeemed a reward during the selected date range.

Point Awards Redeemed

The total number of points awards redeemed from any Points-Based Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Point Programs Difference

Active Points Programs (previous period) minus Active Points Programs (current period).

Points Earned

The total number of points earned from any Points-Based Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Points Redeemed

The total number of points redeemed from any Points-Based Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Punch Awards Received

The total number of punch awards earned from any Punch Card Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Punch Awards Redeemed

The total number of punch awards redeemed from any Punch Card Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Punch Programs Difference

Active Punch Programs (previous period) minus Active Punch Programs (current period).

Punches Received

The total number of points earned from any Punch Card Loyalty Program during the selected date range.

Offers (Offer Locker)

For more information on Offer Locker, please visit our How Offer Locker Works article.


The total number of Offers available during the selected date range.


The total number of Offer redemptions that occurred within the selected date range.

Redemption Rate

Offers Redeemed divided by Total Views.
This number is meant to provide perspective on how many of the users that view an Offer actually end up redeeming it. Use it as a metric to track the success of enticing your users with Offer Locker.

Redemption Rate Diff

Current period Redemption Rate minus previous period Redemption Rate.

Total Views

The total number of times a user viewed an Offer within the selected date range.

Unique Views

The unique number of users that viewed an Offer within the selected date range.
One user could have viewed an Offer three times, but they will only show up as (1) in this metric.

Tee Time Check-In (Mobile Check-In)

For more information on Mobile Check-In, please visit our How Mobile Check-In Works article.

Success Rate

Successful Check-In divided by Total Check-In

Successful Check-In

The number of check-in's completed during the given date range.

Total Check-In

The number of check-in's started during the given date range.
This includes users that started checking in and backed out before the process was complete.

Total Revenue

The total amount of revenue charged through Mobile Check-In during the given date range.

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