Users have the ability to view each menu group and all items listed within. When they are ready to order, it is possible to add a button to the bottom of the page that will allow them to call the F&B operation directly. For more on that, check out the next section.
In a typical Gallus Golf mobile app, a food & beverage menu is viewable via any of three different options. They are as follows: Gallus onTap View-Only Menu PDF Viewer This article will give a brief outline of each and link to subarticles that ...
This article will outline the basics of Gallus Golf's onTap food & beverage software and link to sub-articles that explain concepts in greater detail. Overview Video Before You Begin Make sure to have an appropriate understanding of your food & ...
Before You Begin Make sure you have an adequate understanding of Gallus onTap by reading our How Gallus onTap Works article. A Word On Hours When settings hours for an onTap menu, there are two separate topics to be covered: Menu Hours- Control when ...
What's The Point? Gallus seeks to provide a best-in-class experience for end users with integrated, native, and visually-pleasing apps. In order to accomplish this, app administrators need a way to set up the content of a page in their admin ...
Before You Begin Make sure you have a general understanding of the Gallus Tournament Software by viewing our Tournament Software Basics article. Tutorial Video Enabling Online Registration After an event is created, online registration will need to ...