How The View Only Menu Works

How The View Only Menu Works

This article will outline the process of adding a view-only menu to your Gallus Golf mobile app.

Before You Begin

Make sure to have a basic understanding of the three options for a food & beverage menu by reading our How Food & Beverage Works article.

User Experience

User Tutorial


There are three possible locations for a user to access a view-only food & beverage menu in a Gallus Golf app:
  1. Home Screen Button
  2. Side Menu Button
  3. At the bottom-right of any page in the Scorecard/GPS section.
Users have the ability to view each menu group and all items listed within. When they are ready to order, it is possible to add a button to the bottom of the page that will allow them to call the F&B operation directly. For more on that, check out the next section.

Admin Setup

  1. Log into your Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App --> Food/Bev.
  3. The ensuing page will be where you can edit your menu.

Adding Menu Groups

  1. Log into your Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App --> Food/Bev.
  3. On the ensuing page, click Add Menu Group.

  4. Enter the title in the box and click Add.
  5. Repeat as necessary.

Adding Items

  1. Log into your Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App --> Food/Bev.
  3. On the ensuing page, click into the menu group you'd like to add an item to (see previous subsection for more info on how to add menu groups).

  4. On the ensuing page, click Add Menu Item towards the top-left of the section.

  5. A new page will open up. Fill out the following sections:
    1. Title (Required): The name of the item.
    2. Picture (Required): Choose a photo of the item or upload your own image using the file picker by scrolling to the bottom of the section.
    3. Price (Optional): Enter the price of the item.
      1. Do not put a "$" in- the system will do that for you. For example, type in 5.99
    4. Description (Optional): Put any clarification on the item in this box.
      1. For apps with multiple phone numbers, entering a phone number like 999-999-9999 will make it clickable in the description of an item.

  6. Click Add.

Editing Items

  1. Log into your Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App --> Food/Bev.
  3. On the ensuing page, click into the menu group you'd like to edit an item in (see previous subsection for more info on how to add items).

  4. A new page will open up with all of the items in that menu group. Click the item you'd like to edit.

  5. A page opens up with the following sections. Edit as necessary:
    1. Title (Required): The name of the item.
    2. Picture (Required): Choose a photo of the item or upload your own image using the file picker by scrolling to the bottom of the section.
    3. Price (Optional): Enter the price of the item.
      1. Do not put a "$" in- the system will do that for you. For example, type in 5.99
    4. Description (Optional): Put any clarification on the item in this box.
      1.  For apps with multiple phone numbers, entering a phone number like 800-867-5309 will make it clickable in the description of an item.

  6. Click Save.

Adding A Phone Number

  1. Log into your Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. On the left side of the page, click Customize App --> Food/Bev.
  3. On the ensuing page, click Edit towards the top-left of the page, just below where it says Menu.

  4. Enter your phone number with dashes. Make sure to use this format, or it will not work properly: 800-867-5309

  5. Click Save.

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