How Tournament Cuts Work

How Tournament Cuts Work

Before You Begin

Make sure to have an adequate understanding of the Gallus Tournament Software by reading our Tournament Software Basics article.

What's The Point?

Multi-round competitions often require a cut to be made based off overall score. The Gallus Tournament Software allows for both options to simplify the process of making a cut.

Steps To Complete

  1. Log into the Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. Click Events.

  3. Select the multi-round event you'd like to make a cut for.

  4. On the checklist page, click Groups.

  5. Select the round you'd like the smaller field to apply to.

  6. Click Make A Cut.

  7. On the ensuing page, select Score, choose the scoring format you'd like to use (Net or Gross), and input the first score that should be included in the round (i.e., 1 would include everyone at +1 or better).

      1. 0 equals even par.
  8. Click Preview to see the cuts reflected in the list below.

  9. Once satisfied with your criteria, click Make Cut.

  10. DONE! Click Auto Generate Groups for the most efficient group generation, or add them manually.

      1. For more information on adding groups, please click the appropriate link below:
        1. Instructions for Team Scoring formats.
        2. Instructions for Individual Scoring formats.

Changing The Scoring Format For Cuts

The scoring format for cuts is determined by the overall scoring format for the event. If you'd like to alter this, edit the format at the event level:
  1. Click the Edit pencil on the checklist page.

  2. Adjust the format and click Save.

Undoing A Cut

  1. Log into the Gallus admin dashboard.
  2. Click Events.

  3. Select the multi-round event you'd like to make a cut for.

  4. On the checklist page, click Groups.

  5. Select the round you'initially applied the cut to.

  6. Click Make A Cut.

  7. On the ensuing page, click Undo All Cuts and confirm.

  8. DONE! You may need to adjust your Groups if they have already been generated.

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