How Pages Work

How Pages Work

What's The Point?

Gallus seeks to provide a best-in-class experience for end users with integrated, native, and visually-pleasing apps. In order to accomplish this, app administrators need a way to set up the content of a page in their admin dashboard and make it live in App Navigation for their users to experience.

The Pages module provides a simple and intuitive way to create curated screens within an app that have text, links, images, and lists. They can be used for facility information (lessons, membership, etc.), upcoming events, or even posting the results of a Tournament or League. Think of them as a blank slate to communicate anything you'd like!

Tutorial Video

Making A Page Live In Your App

To make a Page live in your app, you'll first need to create it in the Pages module before going to App Navigation to control where it appears on your Home Screen and/or Side Menu. Read on for instructions on the entire process.

Step 1: Creating A Page

  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click Pages.

  3. Click Create a Page.

  4. On the ensuing page, fill out the following information:
    1. Header Image

      1. The image that appears at the top of your Page, if you so choose. Either drop an image from your desktop or click Browse to select an image from the carousel.
        1. Note that this field can be left empty if you do not desire to add an image.
        2. Supports JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF images at 3:2 ratio (landscape).
    2. Pages Title

      1. The title that appears in the bar at the top of your Page. This title is also how your Page will appear in other modules of the app when searching for the Page (App Navigation, Push Notifications, etc.)
    3. Pages Content

      1. The main content section of your Page. This should be where the majority of the information is conveyed to your users.
      2. Highlight text and utilize the bar at the top for the following:
        1. Heading

            1. Use this to change the size of your text and create separation between the sections of your Page.
        2. Bold Text

        3. Italic Text

        4. Link

          1. Highlight the text, click the button, and provide a URL. Tapping this URL will take the user to an in-app browser (allowing them to view the webpage while staying in the app).
            1. To input a url, please use the format
            2. To input a tappable phone number, use the format tel:8588691370
            3. To input a tappable email address, please use the format
        5. Strikethrough Text

        6. UnOrdered (Bulleted) List

        7. Ordered (Numbered) List

        8. Emoji

        9. Image

    4. Add call to action button

      1. Select this toggle to place a CTA button at the bottom of your Page.
      2. Choose from the following Link Types:

          1. Tee Times
          2. Leaderboards
          3. Custom URL
          4. Offer Locker
          5. Loyalty Program
          6. Mobile Check-In
          7. Food & Beverage
          8. News
          9. Settings Page
          10. Custom Button
            1. Link to any button that's been added to your app's Home Screen or Side Menu.
          11. Home Screen
            1. The actual Home Screen of your app.
          12. Pages
            1. Any other Page that has been created will appear in a list for you to link to.
    5. Click Save.

Step 2: Adding A Page In App Navigation

For more information on App Navigation, please view our How App Navigation Works article.
Once your Page has been created, it's time to make it live in your app so users can see it! Follow the below steps to set it up:
Linking directly to a page means users will see the page immediately after tapping the button.
  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click App Navigation.

  3. Click the green +.

  4. Select Link to an App Page.

  5. Select Pages beneath the App Page submenu.

  6. Select your already created Page.

  7. Input a title for your button and click Save.

  8. Find the newly created button in the left-hand menu. Click the Home Screen or Side Menu icons to add them to the preview on the right. Then click and hold on the preview to drag/drop to the proper location.

  9. DONE! Users can now view your page within the app.
Linking to a folder means users will see a submenu with choices before getting to their final destination.
  1. Log into your Gallus Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click App Navigation.

  3. Click the green +.

  4. Select Custom Folder.

  5. Add a Button Label (how the button will appear on the Home Screen/Side Menu) and click Save.

  6. Click the green +.

  7. Select Open App Page.

  8. Select Pages --> [Your newly created Page]

  9. Fill out the rest of the info (Item Image, Button Label, and Description) and click Save.

  10. Your first Page is now linked! Repeat steps 6-9 for all of the buttons you'd like to add into the folder.
  11. Find the newly created button in the left-hand menu. Click the Home Screen or Side Menu icons to add them to the preview on the right. Then click and hold on the preview to drag/drop to the proper location.

  12. DONE! Users can now view your page within the app.

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